Of all the cities of Asturias only the processions in Aviles are important for its population. Many religious brotherhoods parade in the streets, but the most famous one all over the region is one called “San Juaninos”. Their saint is San Juan, and they are well known thanks to their dance.
When they parade, the Saint is moved very fast and the members of the brotherhood move quickly too. They move from left to right. Their uniform is a white hood, a red cap and a blue tunic. You can see their parade in you tube on the internet because a lot of tourists made films.
Aitor Alonso
2ºI - G
martes, 28 de abril de 2009
Holy week in Avilés, by Aitor Alonso, 2I G
domingo, 19 de abril de 2009
At the kiosk
When the German people were here, almost everyone went to a kiosk in Villalegre to buy the newspaper, to recharge the bus card or whatever other thing. The woman who owns the shop is called Mayte and she was grown up in Germany so she speaks German.
She is a very intelligent woman as she speaks other four languages. One day I went there with Robin, Janett and Vanessa and she started talking with them in German. Vanessa and me couldn't believe it, as we have been going there for such a lot of years. She was very kind with all us.
The last day we (Robin and me) went to say goodbye to Mayte and the other Robin and Alicia were there too. Mayte did a little 'party' for us and we took a picture. Last month I went there as I usually do and she gave me the picture printed and then Alicia sent it to me by mail, so I upload it in here.
Mayte sends to all the German people she have met in January kind regards and hopes to see you again.

jueves, 16 de abril de 2009

This teathre was named “Palacio Valdés” because Armando Palacio Valdés was a writer who lived in Avilés when he was a child and he sited some of his novels in this city. He was born in Entralgo, Asturias, in 1853 and he died in 1938 in Madrid.
His most important bibliography : “Marta y María”, “José”, “La hermana San Sulpicio”, “La aldea perdida”, etc.
In the theatre people could see plays and films (silent movies until the 1930’s, and then movies with sound) from 1920 to 1972.
In 1972 the theatre closed its doors for financial troubles.
Later, the town council bought it, that has been a public property and it has been open since 1992.
At present, there are a lot of plays, ballets, operas, concerts, etc., all year.
martes, 14 de abril de 2009
The Best Week of the Year in Avilés by Cristina del Busto NI1ºC

During this week there are some interesting activities. For example, in La Fruta street, there is a medieval market where you can buy different things. There are also some concerts. Famous people come here to perform. It’s interesting because during the rest of the year there aren’t any concerts so young people have fun these days. Finally, the last day is the most important. After a concert in la Ría de Avilés there are the famous fireworks, which can be seen in the water. It’s spectacular because there are a lot of people there, although the next day most of the people have to work.
It’s a fantastic week and very important here in Aviles. If you are on holidays, you should come here because you will have fun!
domingo, 5 de abril de 2009
These public holidays have a lot of religious and festive events.
The most significant day for people who love Easter is “Domingo de Ramos”.
People go to the different churches of Avilès where the priest blesses a kind of typical palm.
After that, there is a procession called “La Borriquilla” that marches down some of the most important streets of Avilès.
And finally there is a mass.
The second festive day is called “Jueves Santo”, on this day there are some processions at night that are followed successively by others the next few days.
The third important day is “Viernes Santo”, when there are also some processions with a different religious meaning to the day before.
The streets are crowded with people watching these processions, , moreover the young go out at night to the different pubs in the city-center.
The last day is called “Lunes de Pascua” and this is the most exciting day for the young who call it “Lunes de la comida en la calle”.
It begins in the morning. A lot of tables are put out on the main streets. People take their own food and cider to have a nice day with their relatives or friends.
The young do the same but in the biggest park of Avilès.
This festivity has been declared of National Tourist Interest.
By Sonia Suárez 2IE
The city council puts tables and chairs along the parks or squares for people to eat on. You can eat anywhere. Everything is free, you only have to bring your food and enjoy yourself.
People sing and dance to the sounds of the bagpipes and drink lots of cider, too. The atmosphere is really special. You can see people wearing the typical costume from Asturias.
Happily more than 23.000 people share this beautiful day with their relatives and friends. Although the weather is not always on our side, it´s an exciting experience, anyway.
You should check it out!
By Olaya Abad 2I E