miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2009
jueves, 19 de febrero de 2009
miércoles, 18 de febrero de 2009
martes, 17 de febrero de 2009
lunes, 16 de febrero de 2009
lunes, 9 de febrero de 2009
Victor's Profile (1ºA-NB)

My name is Víctor. I was born in Avilés and I live in Los Campos, Corvera . I´m single. I´m an environmental technician . I used to deal with analyzers, atmosphere, clean water and wastewater, meteorology equipment, etc. I've worked in this field for ten years.
In 2001, I went to live in Barcelona. I worked there for six years as a technician in industrial instrumentation; measuring equipment and industrial control, treatment and data transmission, industrial computers (Plc´s), electrical and electronic signals, measurement and control of temperature, flow, pressure, weight…
In November 2007, I retired from work due to illness and returned to Asturias, where I currently live.
Now I dedicate my free time to study English and German in the Official School of Languages in Avilés. My hobbies are reading, walking, writing, going out with my friends, going to the cinema or the theater, travelling, swimming, and especially taking pictures. In my car, I always have my photo equipment: a Canon 400D with two lenses, a Canon 18-55 mm and a Tamron 70-300 mm.
Here I leave you a sample of my photographs, I hope you like them.
Greetings to all of you.

domingo, 8 de febrero de 2009
My Experience
Essen is an enormous city with a lot of things to do. I tried ice skating. Too difficult for me, but I had fun (I think that this is the most important thing).
This has been an incredible experience, and I want to repeat it, as soon as I can. I hope not to stop talking with the German and the Spanish students.
And the thing that I liked the most was to visit a new country, to realise that people are different and I could eat things that I had never seen in my life.
I'll miss all the german students and I hope to see them again, and to start studying German harder, because my level is not very good.
And of course, I have to thank the teachers, that make this possible (DANKE!)
See you,
My experience - By Alicia Corchón
This trip was my first exchange and I have to say that it was wonderful!!! I think I’m very lucky because I could meet very nice people and know Essen.
At first, I was nervous because it was my first time in another country. I don’t speak German and I’m not good at speaking English, but Lea, my exchange partner, was very kind and her family too. She was always smiling and asking to me if I wanted to go anywhere or if I needed anything. We had a lot of fun bowling and ice-skating, and playing videogames with Justin; but I think the most amazing thing in Essen was the book shop… Maybe that’s because I love books and manga comics. It was huge! I really think that all in Essen was huge: houses, skyscrapers, the Town Hall, the shopping centre…
Lea wasn’t able to go to Spain because she was ill. What a pity! So Robin, who didn’t have a partner, came to my home. I discovered that all the men in Spain and Germany speak the same language: it’s called football. My dad got along with him though he doesn’t speak English or German. Robin was a very nice boy too.
Those days I spent in Essen were awesome and the days that they were in Avilés too. Four days are a very short time but I enjoyed it very much. All people in the exchange (Spanish and German, teachers and students) were very nice and I think the other Robin is the funniest person in the world. I’m very glad I met all of them.
my time in spain was great .I think the exchange has a very good result.
It was a lot of fun for everybody.
At first i want to tell a bit about my hostfamily.
The familly was really friendly.The house was big and nice.The ambience was beautiful and i also like the city aviles .
It was sooooo cool to see how the spanish people live and their traditions .
I think the spanish food it very delicious and i tried to taste everything my familiy gaves me.
It was good for us to speak english the wohle time so it was a valuable training for us.
Laura and I had venture a lot of things together with our hostfamilies.We were at the high cliffs and in a museum near the cliffs which was very interesting.We also were in a little city where the small houses were build on top of eachother.That was really impressive for us .
The weather in Spain was better then here in germany. Although some days were not soo good and very coold but the other days it was particulary warm there in the winter . At the last day before leaving spain it was very windy and things were fliying through the air.
And in the night it was a bit scary to listen to the wind which hits the windows :S .
At most i liked it to go shopping in spain .
The shops there has so much wonderful clothes not like in germany .
And the shopping centers are so awesome. There i felt like in a paradise .
Okay at last i want to thank my hostfamily and expecially Virginia again for everything they have done for me . It was a great time and i always would do it again.
I hope we will see us again in the next time .
Bye Bye
sábado, 7 de febrero de 2009
My Twinblog travelling experience, by Virginia De la Fuente
Although The etwinning-project wasn’t my first exchange, I think it was the best I have ever had bacuse I ‘ve met a lot of Spanish and German friends so I enjoyed all the time with them and now I miss all of them .
In Essen I spent very good moments and the city was bigger than Avilés and also moderm with a big Town Hall, a lot of shops and shopping centres and high buildings, so I liked it. The best moment in Essen for me I think it was when Shanice, Laura, Lea, Lisa and Jan picked up Eva, Nuria, Ana, Alicia and me at the icerink; that night was wonderful.
Finaly I want to write about Shanice She was very nice all the time with me always making jokes, I really enjoyed the time with her and I hope she will come back here.
See you
viernes, 6 de febrero de 2009
Guten tag!!
First of all I

I really liked Essen, it's a huge city! But what I loved the most was my sister Janett!! She's GREAT and I had a lot of fun with her!!Now I know that I have such a good friend there. I also love my German family, they treated my just like another daughter. I thought I wouldn't
I spent the best days of my life there in Essen!! It's an unforgetable experience! And I hope to go there again and my sister come here!
The day we went to the bowling and to the Chinese restaurant was just perfect! And the night at Robin's house playing Singstar!I really enjoyed it.
We met Duong and Ferhat, who are also two of my new German best friends! I wish they can come here in summer with us. They're awesome!
Not only we met new friends in Germany but also here in Spain! We didn't know eachother before the trip and k
After this great experience I want to learn German, I found it an interesting language! (Du schaffst es!).
I also have to say thanks to our teacher, who made this exchange possible! I will be always greatful!
jueves, 5 de febrero de 2009
martes, 3 de febrero de 2009
lunes, 2 de febrero de 2009
the exchange
The exchange was an unforgettable experience. It was instructive and all at once funny. My host family was sensational, really open-hearted. Also Eva ;-). First it wasn't easy to talk with my host parents because of their few English.

Just as well was Aviles. Aviles is a very wonderful city. It's so breathtaking to live next to the sea.

At last I'm able to say: I have met great people and got knew friends, I improved my English and have eaten a lot of nice and delicious foot. ;-)
I recommend doing an echange all people who are interested in languages, countries and civilizations. Of course I would say "yes" for re-experience the exchange. Thanks to the teachers and the host family who made the exchange possible. I'm truly greatful. So let's stay in touch :-) Salutations from Essen!!!
¡Hasta luego!
Our exchange trip!
Being the first time on a exchange I didn't know what to think about it because it is not the same that travelling abroad on your own, as I had done before. After it, I know it is a wonderful experience that has been really short (just four days!).
In Germany we have had a great time, playing bowling, going to restaurants or eating with our host families, ice skating, etc. In Spain the weather hasn't been so good despite we have had a great time too with the Aquarium, visiting the cities, at the beach, playing pool or sightseeing.
Maybe the dates hasn't being the perfect ones because we have had classes and now we have to make up for those days, but the trip has been worth while.
The thing I have liked most of all has been meet all the fantastic people with who I will keep in touch now, in Spain or in Germany. We the Spanish people have met friends around where we live. In Germany, I have been very lucky with my host family and with my exchange student, who has been very cool!
I want to thank you the teachers who made this possible and who were with us all the trip! We have practised a lot of English and discovered a lot of things about Germany of the German people that we didn't know and we have forgotten some wrong clichés.
This was an experience to repeat it.
domingo, 1 de febrero de 2009
Heey again!!
I enjoyed all the time. All the exchange-students were so nice and I miss all of them now :(
I would like to go to Spain again..it would be real fun!! :) Avilès is such a nice city..it isn't as big as Essen but I would like to live there, too. It's enough!!
My spanish family showed me a lot of the way of spanish living and I think I really like it ;)
There are some differences between it but it was a great experience and I hope that all the other students are thinking so,too.
At the end I have to thank Miss Hasselmann who made the exchange possible!
With this positive thought of the exchange I wouldn't have a problem to do the next :P
Regards from Essen...
Bye bye...your Janett :D
the etwinning project is finished and it made lots of fun. It was very interesting to learn more about Spain and the language. The exchange have confirm my intention to learn the spanish language. It was also interesting to see how the spanish people lives. The flats in Essen are more little than in Avilés. The houses in Avilés are double so big/high than here in Essen. The houses in Avilés look like hotels without an reception. Also from the optical, I found Avilés, Gijon and Ovideo more beautiful than Essen. Everywhere stands palm trees in the city and in Essen stand a house next to another house next to another house.
I would be pleased about a meeting sometime with all the guys, which I have seen.
Greetings from Essen to Spain.
Byebye Lisa.