lunes, 30 de marzo de 2009
Aren't you a believer?... Well, eat a bun!!!
On Maundy Thursday and Good Friday all the believers go out on to the street to see “the passion floats” (= a group of people bearing images of Jesus Christ and the Virgin during processions). The air smells of candles and there is wax on the floor where they have just passed by.
On Easter Sunday we enjoy watching the floats pass and figures with huge heads march too and make children laugh.
On Easter Monday we have an original and unique celebration. We bake an Easter bun (but most people buy it) with a strange form which is delicious. This is the best part of Easter for me!!!
By Maria José Marín
domingo, 29 de marzo de 2009
There are fabulous processions all over the country, with members of brotherhoods that are called “cofradías”, dressed in hooded robes who come out on to the streets carrying sculptures.
Celebrating the Holy Week is a typical tradition in Spain. You can see this in the North and in the South, but I believe that this religious tradition is more popular in the South than in the North.
Maybe “Sevilla” has the most famous Holy Week processions. But, if you have the chance to come and see the Holy Week in Avilés you will enjoy this spectacular celebration, too.
There are eight brotherhoods with more than one thousand memberships who carry the sculptures from Palm Sunday to Holy Saturday. After that, there is a special celebration called the “Fiesta del Bollo” which all children wait for with enthusiasm.
On Easter Sunday, god-parents give short-cake to their god-children as they receive the Holy Palms. The next day, a lot of decorated carriages, beautiful giant-headed figures and some musical groups parade along the street. Later, at midnight, there are a lot of spectacular fireworks over the Avilés estuary. This is the end of the Holy Week in Avilés.
By Natalia Vega
This party started in 1992 to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of “The Bun Party” in Avilés, and every year it is a great success with lots of participation.
This year we’re going to celebrate this meal on 13th of April. My family, my friends and I will be there this year. I hope so. We couldn’t enjoy it last year because it was pouring, so we are very excited because we’ll be spending that day all together.
To go to this party you only have to go to the Town Hall and choose the place you want in a map of the city, they’ll do the rest of the work: they put out a big table along the main streets, the chairs and the music.
I´d rather go to a historic square called “Hermanos Orbón Square” where every Monday (except Easter Monday) there is a big market. There you can listen to live music in a beautiful place with people you love. Isn’t it a really good plan to start the week after the Easter holidays?
By Sonia Alonso García
viernes, 27 de marzo de 2009
Andrés's Profile (1ºA-NB)

Have a good day, everyone!
My name is Andrew, and I am a first year student at the Official School of Languages in Avilés.
I am currently a pre-retired bank clerk, and in my spare time, I help with some work at a friend’s Agency and Estate Agent's in Piedras Blancas. I also study English.
I was born in a small town called Calatayud, in Zaragoza, where my sisters live. It’s a very well located city with many beautiful things to see, so I recommend everybody to visit the area!
17 years ago I came to work in Avilés, in the Central Bank, then called Banco Central Hispano and later in Banco Santander Central Hispano. I worked in Grado, Mieres, Piedras Blancas, Pravia, Cangas del Narcea and Pravia again. I finally retired in 2006, and I settled to live in Piedras Blancas, where I had my house.
I am married, my wife is called Elizabeth, and her whole family is from Aviles. We have two daughters, Andrea and Patricia, and they have already finished their studies and are working, one in Avilés and the other in Toledo. We also enjoy the company of two beautiful cats: Tina (female) and Lucas (male).
Although I am not working now, I don’t have much free time, but I try to enjoy doing what I like now: studying English, going to the countryside, walking, travelling, going to the beach or spending time with my family. Every year I go to the beach for my summer vacation. Recetly I’ve been to "Mil Palmeras", a beach that is between Torrevieja and La Manga del Mar Menor. I also visit my family.
Best wishes. Good health and luck for everybody!
lunes, 23 de marzo de 2009
Avilés as cultural village
If you prefer to see the architecture of
Aviles is not only a cultural town, it has also been an industrial town for many yearsand has had factories that have employed people and made some of them rich. One of this is the iron and steel industry, it makes the metal for our cars, lorries, vans, trams and planes. This industry also contributes to protect the environment with the manufactures of windmills. . This wind is used to produce electrical energy.
domingo, 15 de marzo de 2009
viernes, 13 de marzo de 2009
Mini Sagas
My students have written these mini sagas for you to read. A mini saga is a very short story as it must have 50 words!
Best Wishes from EOI Avilés.
Carmen Gómez
Esther García Mazón
2º Intermedio H
He wanted to take revenge on his friend because this friend had teased him. He had pretended to sell a lottery ticket of the day before. Today his friend lives in a big mansion, surrounded by luxury, and he has stopped selling lottery to work as the driver of his limo
Carmen Andrea Bueno
2º Intermedio C
Everyday the elder man went to the hospital to read the same story to the same elder woman. At the end of this beautiful story, the woman usually smiled and kissed him sweetly. Actually, she was his wife. He read their own love story and, fortunately, she often remembered him.
Nacho Suarez Alijostes
2º Intermedio G
Revenge is sweet
The Russian Tycoon stepped out of a taxi on his return home from a football club’s Christmas party yesterday when he was threatened by two thieves. They stole his designer’s watch and expensive jewellery while the Tycoon reportedly disputed his taxi fare. He had not been injured. Inquiries are still ongoing.
Pablo Escudero
2º Intermedio H
Time is money
-“¿Could you read me a bedtime story?”
-“Alright,” the mother of the three little pigs told them. “You are big enough to live alone, but take care that the wolf doesn’t catch you.”
-“Stop, dad! You have 25 more words. This has to be a mini saga, not a novel!”
Best Wishes from EOI Avilés
martes, 10 de marzo de 2009
viernes, 6 de marzo de 2009
Carnival in Avilés by Isabel Santos
The Carnival in
Another important event is Galiana descent. It’s a festival for young people who don’t mind wearing cold wet clothes because there are some firemen who get the people wet. Everybody wears green and yellow coats and the people who don’t participate should be careful because there are eggs and water flying all over
Legends from Avilés, by Laura González Granda

Especially during the summer when the legends take place. The legends are short theatre plays which are shown at representative places of the city such as Vadecarzana’s Palace, Ferreras’ park or Camposagrado’s Palace every week during August, usually on Thursday. The old quarter legends invite us to go for a magic walk enjoying adventures, customs and traditions which have given sense to the town.
Most of the actors are students so this also means a chance for them to practise what they have learned during the school year. As a result of this remunerated chance they show the best of themselves, there are ballet dancers too who have to make a heavy effort dancing most of the times in the street in front of the public.
In other words it is a great opportunity to watch good theatre free.