Hay Everyone!
The etwinning project was very interesting project
and I think it made everyone a lot of fun.
It was a great Experience for me to visit other people
from an other country and to learn how they are living.
It made a lot of fun to go out with the other people
of the group.
For example the trip to Gijon to the aquarium,
without the teachers,
made a lot of fun^^.
If I could do an exchange like this again I would do it.
I hope everyone is ok.
sábado, 31 de enero de 2009
martes, 27 de enero de 2009
domingo, 25 de enero de 2009
We'll come back, Avilés!
Rain, hail and a severe storm could not hinder us from enjoying our stay in Spain. We were welcomed very warmly and the German students had a great time. They explored the city, met Spanish friends, tasted new dishes and decided to visit each other soon. They soon become part of their host family.
So from strangers to friends in a few days.
The return trip showed Asturias from its best, blue sky and sunshine back to Santander. The pilot took off early and found a shortcut home. We were able to catch the earlier bus and were home an hour early, full of memories.
Thanks to the teachers involved, María, Belén, Clara, Allison, Marta and Ana for the private tour and the plants from her yard which will continue to grow in Essen.
U. Hasselmann
So from strangers to friends in a few days.
The return trip showed Asturias from its best, blue sky and sunshine back to Santander. The pilot took off early and found a shortcut home. We were able to catch the earlier bus and were home an hour early, full of memories.
Thanks to the teachers involved, María, Belén, Clara, Allison, Marta and Ana for the private tour and the plants from her yard which will continue to grow in Essen.
U. Hasselmann
Chema ' s Profile (1ºA-NB)
Hello, everyone!
My name is Jose Mª. I was born in Zamora,like Clarin, and I came to Gijón in 1956.
I live in Luanco. I am married and have two children,aged 28 and 26. I used to work in a primary school.
I've been retired since August,2008.
Now I do these activities: walking, reading, music, pottery and studying a little English to understand some songs , to communicate when I travel, etc..
I like going to the movies, listening to music, sharing opinions in the classroom,sharing culture with older people and keeping my mind busy with this language ( English ), which I´d never studied formally.
I wish you all the best.
If you want to visit my blog, where you can find activities to improve your English, such as subtitled songs to practise your listening skills , click on the link below:
Personal profiles,
Students from Spain
sábado, 24 de enero de 2009
Schools in the past
Mario Durán, one of our etwinning authors, has sent us this presentation about school in the past. See how much schools have changed along time. I hope you all enjoy it.
Thanks a lot, Mario!
jueves, 22 de enero de 2009
Krupp Family, by Jan, Laura and Lisa
Three of our German etwinners introduced the Krupp Family, from Essen, during their stay at EOI Avilés, in January 2009.
Great job!!!!!!
Great job!!!!!!
Students from Germany,
Travelling etwinners
German Mining, by Tobias and Shanice
Two of our German etwinners showed this presentation during their stay at EOI Avilés in January 2009.
Thanks for your work!!!
Students from Germany,
Travelling etwinners
Villalegre, by Vanesa Cepas
This is the presentation that, Vanessa, one of the students from EOI Avilés travelling to Essen, showed her German etwinners in January 2009.
Students from Spain,
Travelling etwinners
Modern Essen, by Robin K, Robin M and Janett
This is the presentation about the modern city of Essen that three of our German etwinners built up for their stay at EOI Avilés in January 2009.
Well done!!
Well done!!
Students from Germany,
Travelling etwinners
miércoles, 21 de enero de 2009
Ana Cristina ' s Profile (1ºA-NB)

Hi everybody

Now,I don't work, but I'm a hairdresser.
I study English at the Official School of Languages and I'm in my first year. I want to learn English to work and to travel. I love travelling. Last summer I went to Mallorca with my daughters and after that I went to Jamaica with my friend Begoña.

I loved Jamaica.
I want to go to Tunez in February with my partner and friend Mª Jose

I like listening to music and doing sport. My favourite sports are aerobics and football. I do aerobics in Piedras Blancas from Monday to Friday and my favourite teams are Sporting and Real Madrid.
kisses for everyone !!!
Personal profiles,
Students from Spain
German etwinners' trip to Avilés. January 2009

Our German etwinners are here. They've just arrived and are staying with us until 24 January. If you like to follow the images of their trip, you can go and have a look, they are on our school's website.
Welcome to Spain, and enjoy your stay in Avilés!
Teachers from Spain,
Travelling etwinners
lunes, 19 de enero de 2009
Trip to Essen. Photo Gallery
Have a look at some of the pictures from our trip to Essen.
Thank you, German etwinners, for being so nice. See you on Tuesday 20 in Spain!!!!
All the best
Go to Photo Gallery
Thank you, German etwinners, for being so nice. See you on Tuesday 20 in Spain!!!!
All the best
Go to Photo Gallery
Teachers from Spain,
Travelling etwinners
miércoles, 14 de enero de 2009
Wir sind in Essen; Greetings from Essen
The weather was not as bad as predicted. There´s no snow though it´s freezing cold.
All the best!!!
Maria Jesus y Belen
Teachers from Spain,
Travelling etwinners
lunes, 12 de enero de 2009
Avilés, by Jorge Macía
This is the presentation about Asturias that our Spanish etwinner, Jorge Macía, travelling to Germany in January 2009, is showing his German etwinners. We hope etwinners from Poland and the rest of the people involved in our etwinning project enjoy it.
Thanks for your work, Jorge!
Thanks for your work, Jorge!
Travelling etwinners
Avilés, by Ana Suárez
This is the presentation about Asturias that our Spanish etwinner, Ana Suárez, travelling to Germany in January 2009, is showing her German etwinners. We hope etwinners from Poland and the rest of the people involved in our etwinning project enjoy it.
Thanks for your work, Ana!
Thanks for your work, Ana!
Travelling etwinners
Avilés, by Alicia Corchón
This is the presentation about Asturias that our Spanish etwinner, Alicia Corchón, travelling to Germany in January 2009, is showing her German etwinners. We hope etwinners from Poland and the rest of the people involved in our etwinning project enjoy it.
Thanks for your work, Alicia!
Thanks for your work, Alicia!
Travelling etwinners
domingo, 11 de enero de 2009
My profile
Hello! My name's Lucas and I'm an art student aged 18. I used to train kids at hockey but now I practice cycling. My friends say I'm funny but sometimes introvert. I like learning English because I think nowadays it's the best way to understand people all over the world. I'm looking forward to meeting any other foreign students, we can learn from each other and have a great time.
Lucas Lo Russo
Int 2F
Lucas Lo Russo
Int 2F
2Kg of mussels
Olive oil
A big onion
Wheat flour
Red pepper
One chilli pepper
You should clean the mussels,put them in a pot,and pour a glass of wine and a glass of olive oil over them.They must be boiled for several minutes until the mussels open their shells.In a frying pan pour in some olive oil,the cut onion, the cut garlic and the parsley.You must fry this all slowly. After that,put in two spoonfuls of red pepper and one chilli pepper. Pour several spoonfuls of wheat flour into the pan and mix together until you see the sauce has a good texture. At the end, pour in some of the liquid from the boiled mussels after passing it through a strainer, and mix together.
On one hand you have the mussels , and the other hand the sauce.
Iván Martínez
Int 2 F
2Kg of mussels
Olive oil
A big onion
Wheat flour
Red pepper
One chilli pepper
You should clean the mussels,put them in a pot,and pour a glass of wine and a glass of olive oil over them.They must be boiled for several minutes until the mussels open their shells.In a frying pan pour in some olive oil,the cut onion, the cut garlic and the parsley.You must fry this all slowly. After that,put in two spoonfuls of red pepper and one chilli pepper. Pour several spoonfuls of wheat flour into the pan and mix together until you see the sauce has a good texture. At the end, pour in some of the liquid from the boiled mussels after passing it through a strainer, and mix together.
On one hand you have the mussels , and the other hand the sauce.
Iván Martínez
Int 2 F
Asturian Fabada
¾ kilo of Asturian beans;
2 black sausages;
2 sausages of good quality;
½ kilo of shoulder of pork (or small piece of ham);
100 grs. of streaky bacon;
Ear of pork; (Optional)
Parsley; (Optional)
A touch of oil;
Saffron; (Optional)
We start by leaving the shoulder of pork in warm water the previous night, after scoring the skin. Equally the Asturian beans are left in cold water the previous night.
In a casserole proportionate to the quantities of the ingredients, put in the Asturian beans, the shoulder of pork, the black sausages, the sausages, the bacon, the quartered onion pieces, the cut garlic, the tied parsley, a touch of oil. It is covered with cold water and put on the hob, skimming off the excess carefully. Once boiling we put it aside and let it cook/boil slowly, a little uncovered, making sure that the Asturian beans are always covered with water so that we don’t peel off the skin. Cold water will be added occasionally in small quantities. It must be watched so that the boiling is always slow and also we must shake the casserole often so that the beans do not stick. (Optional: In the middle of the cooking process, season with saffron, lightly toasted and very undone.)
When cooked then we season with salt, bearing in mind the quantity of salty meat. (Optional: If, at the end of the cooking, the broth has remained too thin, pierce the meat, letting it cook a little more.) Before serving, leave to rest aside for half an hour. Before serving, remove the onions and parsley. Serve with the meat sliced.
Maria del Carmen Viejo Int 2 F
¾ kilo of Asturian beans;
2 black sausages;
2 sausages of good quality;
½ kilo of shoulder of pork (or small piece of ham);
100 grs. of streaky bacon;
Ear of pork; (Optional)
Parsley; (Optional)
A touch of oil;
Saffron; (Optional)
We start by leaving the shoulder of pork in warm water the previous night, after scoring the skin. Equally the Asturian beans are left in cold water the previous night.
In a casserole proportionate to the quantities of the ingredients, put in the Asturian beans, the shoulder of pork, the black sausages, the sausages, the bacon, the quartered onion pieces, the cut garlic, the tied parsley, a touch of oil. It is covered with cold water and put on the hob, skimming off the excess carefully. Once boiling we put it aside and let it cook/boil slowly, a little uncovered, making sure that the Asturian beans are always covered with water so that we don’t peel off the skin. Cold water will be added occasionally in small quantities. It must be watched so that the boiling is always slow and also we must shake the casserole often so that the beans do not stick. (Optional: In the middle of the cooking process, season with saffron, lightly toasted and very undone.)
When cooked then we season with salt, bearing in mind the quantity of salty meat. (Optional: If, at the end of the cooking, the broth has remained too thin, pierce the meat, letting it cook a little more.) Before serving, leave to rest aside for half an hour. Before serving, remove the onions and parsley. Serve with the meat sliced.
Maria del Carmen Viejo Int 2 F
My Easter Recipe
Hello, my name is Sonia and I’m from Avilés (Asturias). I’ve decided to show you a typical recipe from my city. It´s a typical bun we usually make at Easter.
In Avilés there is a party at Easter, we celebrate this religious party and the beginning of the spring too. It´s name is something like “A Bun Party” (“Fiestas del Bollo”). This name is because of this bun. The godparents give this bun to their godchildren on Easter Sunday.
The bun is different here because it’s the shape of a four pointed star, and it has several layers. You can buy it in all cake shops in Avilés or you can make it yourself! If you do, It´ll be a better and cheaper bun!
I always make it for my godson, and I usually decorate it with a sweet in each star point, with a big chocolate egg on the top of the bun and one small toy from a famous cartoon of the current year. Next Easter I´ll decorate it with a toy of WWE: Smackdown. I don’t like them at all, but he’s seven years old and he loves playing with them.
Now I’m going to tell you about the recipe:
The ingredients you need are:
- 250 grams of sugar
- 250 grams of flour
- 250 grams of lard
- 5 eggs
- A half teaspoon of baking powder
The way you must make it is:
Prepare the baking tin. Grease it with butter and sprinkle with bread crumbs.
Turn on the oven to 150 ºC.
You must melt the lard slowly while you separate the egg yolk and the egg white. It´s incredibly important, don´t mix them. Then, beat the egg white until they froth. You should be sure you are doing this step in the correct way. The secret is to turn the bowl upside down. If the egg white doesn´t move or they don’t turn over you are doing it Ok.
Now, add the yolk and beat, then add the sugar and beat again. Mix the baking powder with the flour, add them and beat again. You should do these steps gently.
Add the lard. It must be tepid, not very hot and not very cold. Beat everything again and put it into the baking tin. Put it into the oven for between 60 and 75 minutes.
It’s very important not to open the oven for an hour. You must check if the bun is made: stick the knife into the bun. If the knife is clean, you should get the bun out of the oven and take it out of the mould.
I hope you enjoy this recipe and …
By Sonia Alonso García
Int 2F
Hello, my name is Sonia and I’m from Avilés (Asturias). I’ve decided to show you a typical recipe from my city. It´s a typical bun we usually make at Easter.
In Avilés there is a party at Easter, we celebrate this religious party and the beginning of the spring too. It´s name is something like “A Bun Party” (“Fiestas del Bollo”). This name is because of this bun. The godparents give this bun to their godchildren on Easter Sunday.
The bun is different here because it’s the shape of a four pointed star, and it has several layers. You can buy it in all cake shops in Avilés or you can make it yourself! If you do, It´ll be a better and cheaper bun!
I always make it for my godson, and I usually decorate it with a sweet in each star point, with a big chocolate egg on the top of the bun and one small toy from a famous cartoon of the current year. Next Easter I´ll decorate it with a toy of WWE: Smackdown. I don’t like them at all, but he’s seven years old and he loves playing with them.
Now I’m going to tell you about the recipe:
The ingredients you need are:
- 250 grams of sugar
- 250 grams of flour
- 250 grams of lard
- 5 eggs
- A half teaspoon of baking powder
The way you must make it is:
Prepare the baking tin. Grease it with butter and sprinkle with bread crumbs.
Turn on the oven to 150 ºC.
You must melt the lard slowly while you separate the egg yolk and the egg white. It´s incredibly important, don´t mix them. Then, beat the egg white until they froth. You should be sure you are doing this step in the correct way. The secret is to turn the bowl upside down. If the egg white doesn´t move or they don’t turn over you are doing it Ok.
Now, add the yolk and beat, then add the sugar and beat again. Mix the baking powder with the flour, add them and beat again. You should do these steps gently.
Add the lard. It must be tepid, not very hot and not very cold. Beat everything again and put it into the baking tin. Put it into the oven for between 60 and 75 minutes.
It’s very important not to open the oven for an hour. You must check if the bun is made: stick the knife into the bun. If the knife is clean, you should get the bun out of the oven and take it out of the mould.
I hope you enjoy this recipe and …
By Sonia Alonso García
Int 2F
Rice Pudding
2 1/2 cups (600 ml) of whole milk
1/3 cup (66 grams) of uncooked long or short grain white rice
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 egg
1/4 cup (50 grams) dark brown sugar
1 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
1/3 cup (40 grams) raisins
1 In a medium heavy bottomed saucepan, combine milk, rice and salt and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to low and simmer until the rice is tender, about 20 minutes. Stir frequently to prevent the rice from sticking to the bottom of the pan.
2 In a small mixing bowl, whisk together the egg and brown sugar until well mixed. Add a half cup of the rice mixture - a tablespoon at a time - beating to incorporate.
3 Add egg mixture back into the saucepan of rice and milk and stir, on low heat, for 10 minutes or so, until thickened. Be careful not to have the mixture come to a boil at this point. Stir in the vanilla. Remove from heat and stir in the raisins and cinnamon.
Serve warm or cold.
Serves 2-3.
Eduardo Pozuelo
Int 2 F
2 1/2 cups (600 ml) of whole milk
1/3 cup (66 grams) of uncooked long or short grain white rice
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 egg
1/4 cup (50 grams) dark brown sugar
1 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
1/3 cup (40 grams) raisins
1 In a medium heavy bottomed saucepan, combine milk, rice and salt and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to low and simmer until the rice is tender, about 20 minutes. Stir frequently to prevent the rice from sticking to the bottom of the pan.
2 In a small mixing bowl, whisk together the egg and brown sugar until well mixed. Add a half cup of the rice mixture - a tablespoon at a time - beating to incorporate.
3 Add egg mixture back into the saucepan of rice and milk and stir, on low heat, for 10 minutes or so, until thickened. Be careful not to have the mixture come to a boil at this point. Stir in the vanilla. Remove from heat and stir in the raisins and cinnamon.
Serve warm or cold.
Serves 2-3.
Eduardo Pozuelo
Int 2 F
Ingredients for 4 people:
- 3 tins of “PIQIUILLO” peppers
- 400 g of prawns without shells.
- 1 spider crab or ½ kg of hake .
- 2 carrots.
- A trickle of olive oil
- 1/2 onion.
- A little bit of parsley
- Garlic
- A cup of white wine
How to make them :
First of all you have to make the stuffing. Boil some prawns and the spider crab, or you can use a piece of hake ,with a lot of salt for 15 minutes. Keep the water used for boiling.
Secondly, peel and chop the seafood and put the pieces into the peppers, and then close each pepper with a toothpick.
Now you have to coat each one in flour and fry them in hot oil.
The sauce. Heat the oil in a frying pan, peel and chop the onions, garlic and carrots and fry them, you can add also salt, parsley,a little bit of white wine and one glass of water, from the water used to boil the seafood.
Leave everything to cook slowly for about 20 minutes.
Finally you only have to pour the sauce over the peppers and then it is ready to be served.
This recipe is easy and tasty and you ‘ll be able to do it in 60 minutes
Ingredients for 4 people:
- 3 tins of “PIQIUILLO” peppers
- 400 g of prawns without shells.
- 1 spider crab or ½ kg of hake .
- 2 carrots.
- A trickle of olive oil
- 1/2 onion.
- A little bit of parsley
- Garlic
- A cup of white wine
How to make them :
First of all you have to make the stuffing. Boil some prawns and the spider crab, or you can use a piece of hake ,with a lot of salt for 15 minutes. Keep the water used for boiling.
Secondly, peel and chop the seafood and put the pieces into the peppers, and then close each pepper with a toothpick.
Now you have to coat each one in flour and fry them in hot oil.
The sauce. Heat the oil in a frying pan, peel and chop the onions, garlic and carrots and fry them, you can add also salt, parsley,a little bit of white wine and one glass of water, from the water used to boil the seafood.
Leave everything to cook slowly for about 20 minutes.
Finally you only have to pour the sauce over the peppers and then it is ready to be served.
This recipe is easy and tasty and you ‘ll be able to do it in 60 minutes
E-pal form
If you are interested in finding an e-pal through our Twinblog but don't know how to start, this sample form might help you.
You can download it from our Spanish school's website and use it as you like best. Then, when you are ready, publish your personalized e-pal form here and you'll hopefully find a European e-pal soon.
Best of lucks in your e-pal finding!
This is the presentation about Asturias that our Spanish etwinners travelling to Germany in January 2009 are showing their German etwinners. We hope etwinners from Poland and the rest of the people involved in our etwinning project enjoy it.
Thanks to all our students for their work!
Travelling etwinners
Oviedo. Routes in MP3
Enjoy these wonderful and original recordings which will guide you around the city of Oviedo, discovering their origins, interesting stories, legends, customs and anecdotes, in a different way.
There is also a map attached; a useful tool that will help you during your walk around Oviedo. Photographs of each site described will help you to identify the monuments and elements from the recording.
The numbers specified on the map correspond to the track number in the MP3. Once located in the point specified on the map, you can easily choose the track number by using the forward button of the MP3 and press “play”.
The audioguides are available on our school's website in Spanish, English and German, as well as the .pdf map.
Download the files.
There is also a map attached; a useful tool that will help you during your walk around Oviedo. Photographs of each site described will help you to identify the monuments and elements from the recording.
The numbers specified on the map correspond to the track number in the MP3. Once located in the point specified on the map, you can easily choose the track number by using the forward button of the MP3 and press “play”.
The audioguides are available on our school's website in Spanish, English and German, as well as the .pdf map.
Download the files.
Teachers from Spain,
Travelling etwinners
viernes, 9 de enero de 2009
jueves, 8 de enero de 2009
Julian ' s Profile ( 2ºD-NB )

Hi, my name is Julian. I am 16 years old and I’m from Aviles, but I live in La Peral, a little village in Illas with my father and my sister. I’m studying a formative cycle, in Valliniello’s CIFP (Centro Integrado de Formacion professional de Valliniello).
I have been studying English since I was a child, and this year I started to do it in the Official Languages School of Aviles.
I’m tall and slim with short brown hair. I think I’m a friendly person. I like going out with my friends, listening to hip hop music, skateboarding with my friends, and all types of things that are fun.
Sometimes I go out in Aviles, but sometimes I stay in la Peral, and I go to Pico Gorfoli by bicycle with some friends, and we cycle in the mountains, it’s exhausting because we speend all day going from the bottom to the top of the mountains.
I recommended all of you to visit la Peral and Illas, because they are two beautiful villages with very friendly people and lots of natural things to do.
I have been studying English since I was a child, and this year I started to do it in the Official Languages School of Aviles.
I’m tall and slim with short brown hair. I think I’m a friendly person. I like going out with my friends, listening to hip hop music, skateboarding with my friends, and all types of things that are fun.
Sometimes I go out in Aviles, but sometimes I stay in la Peral, and I go to Pico Gorfoli by bicycle with some friends, and we cycle in the mountains, it’s exhausting because we speend all day going from the bottom to the top of the mountains.
I recommended all of you to visit la Peral and Illas, because they are two beautiful villages with very friendly people and lots of natural things to do.
Personal profiles,
Students from Spain
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