domingo, 25 de enero de 2009

Chema ' s Profile (1ºA-NB)

Hello, everyone!

My name is Jose Mª. I was born in Zamora,like Clarin, and I came to Gijón in 1956.
I live in Luanco. I am married and have two children,aged 28 and 26. I used to work in a primary school.
I've been retired since August,2008.
Now I do these activities: walking, reading, music, pottery and studying a little English to understand some songs , to communicate when I travel, etc..
I like going to the movies, listening to music, sharing opinions in the classroom,sharing culture with older people and keeping my mind busy with this language ( English ), which I´d never studied formally.

I wish you all the best.

If you want to visit my blog, where you can find activities to improve your English, such as subtitled songs to practise your listening skills , click on the link below:

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