Name: María
Last name: Martínez
Age: 18
Occupation: Student
-Family and educational background.
My family is quite big. My father, who is 54 years old, has only a sister whose name is Julia. My father’s parents are dead. My grandfather Manuel died when I was about 5 years old and my grandmother Angelina died 4 years ago.
My mother Amparo is 51 years old and has a lot of brothers and sisters. My grandparents had 17 children but 3 of them died so now there are 14 alive. My grandmother Juana died 4 years ago and this death was traumatic for my family because everybody loved her. When my grandfather Isaac died I wasn’t born. I have also 20 cousins. I like my mother’s family because it is very interesting and you are never bored with them. I don’t see some of my aunts and uncles very frequently because they are working, they have to stay with their family, etc. but I like this situation because if I can’t visit one of my aunts or uncles I can visit another.
I have also a sister whose name is Marta and is 17 years old. She lives with my parents and me in a house in Avilés and she is studying in High School.
My first year of school was in La Luz but when I was 4 years old I went to the Marcelo Gago school. When I finished the primary education I moved to Middle School in La Magdalena. Here I stayed 6 years, 4 of which were doing the compulsory education and the 2 last were completing the High School studies. Apart from that I took some courses. I did a draw course, an English course and an computer literacy course in the Primary school. My parents also help me when I needed help in the studies or when doing my homework.

Now, I’m studying first year at the university. I’m studying to become a mechanical engineer. It takes about 3 years and it is very difficult, but if you study hard you can pass it. In the university there are a few girls and a lot of boys. The best of it is that you can make a lot of friends and if you need help don’t worry because someone will help you. At the university there is a cafeteria where all the people go when they don’t have a class or because they don’t want to go. I like the cafeteria because is very big and it is always full of people. In the future I’d like to finish the course and I’d like to work in a company. Then I’d like to buy a flat or a house.
I like reading very much. Now, I’m reading “The boy in the stripped pjyamas” which is very interesting. When I finish it I’d like to see the film.
The books I love are “The pillars of the Earth” and “World without end” by Ken Follet. In my opinion these books are the best I’ve ever read. They are quite long but they are exciting.
Besides I like listening music, going out or surfing on the internet like the majority of young people. I like shopping too. I like travelling, visiting new places, mountains, beaches… This summer I went to Galicia and Portugal with part of my family and I enjoyed it very much.
When I was in the school I loved playing football. I was usually playing sports with boys instead of playing with girls. Now I don’t play any sport because I don’t have time but if I could, I’d do it.
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