sábado, 18 de octubre de 2008

Marta, by Laura González (2NAH)

Marta is an eighteen year old girl who lives in Raices. However, she was born in Boal.
Boal is a village in the western coast of Asturias, northern Spain. Her parents moved to Raices to look for a better job and they found it, now her father is working in a factory. Despite Marta doesn’t like Raices she thinks that the best time there is spring, when there is no football.

Marta might not be living in Raices in ten years time due to her job; she is studying the second year of Geology in Oviedo, the capital of Asturias. Even though she was not sure about studying Geology during the first year now she is enjoying it a lot. This is because of her free time, when she does not have to study too much she goes on trips or camps with her classmates where they continue learning Geology. The only problem that Marta finds in being studying Geology is that in the near future she will have to move to another country because in Spain there are hardly jobs for geologists.

In spite of the fact that Marta is an only child she has a big family. Her father comes from a big family; she has twelve uncles so Marta has lots of cousins with whom she gets on rather well but there is one with whom she is always arguing. Marta’s family looks like a close knit family but actually they are not. They spend their summer holidays together in Boal and they have dinner together sometimes during the winter but at these times they argue a lot and they don’t laugh too much.
On one hand Marta enjoys spending her free time with her family, especially with her grandfather, who is her best friend within the family but on the other hand, she enjoys a lot when she goes out at night with her friends.

In short, she is a great girl.

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